
Artistas emergentes, "La gestión de su obra"

Angulo Cascán, Alberto Javier
Poblador Muga, María Pilar (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2012
Historia del Arte department, Historia del Arte area

Máster Universitario en Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural

Free keyword(s): artistas emergentes ; gestión de su obra ; radoslav
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: My work shows a way to manage emerging artists as part of the cultural heritage of where they reside. My goal is to streamline their career and make it sustainable. This is a time of economic crisis but new technologies open up new fields of work and market. The starting point is to choose the right artists: young, with a natural predisposition, disciplined, with much to learn and breakers. Opt for a management model is not close our doors Mixed anything. Take care in both the production end of its work and its dissemination. And in less than two years, our artists have been recognized by critics and the public.

Creative Commons License

El registro pertenece a las siguientes colecciones:
trabajos-academicos-universidad-zaragoza > centro > facultad-de-filosofia-y-letras
trabajos-academicos-universidad-zaragoza > trabajos-fin-master

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