
Protocolos de Ejercicio Excéntrico en tendinopatía Aquílea. Revisión sistemática

Morales Esquinas, Silvia
Herranz Bercedo, Félix (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EUCS, 2015
Departamento de Fisiatría y Enfermería, Área de Fisioterapia

Graduado en Fisioterapia

Resumen: AIM: This systematic review aims to summarize and update present knowledge about the effects of different eccentric exercise protocols of the lower leg, and to investigate which training parameters were most effective for pain and patient-reported function. METHODS: A bibliographic search was conducted up to February 2015. A systematic review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. A total of 11 studies focusing on eccentric protocols met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. RESULTS: Although eccentric exercise training has shown favourable results in Achilles tendinopathy, the optimum dosage remains unknown. Strong evidence was found for the Alfredson exercise protocol. In this 12-week protocol, exercises are performed 3 × 15 repetitions twice daily, both with a straight and bent knee. Exercises are performed at a slow speed, and load is increased when exercises are painless. Nevertheless, other exercise protocols did achieve similar results. CONCLUSION: Most of the studies included in this review showed a lack of detailed description of their training parameters. A definitive conclusion regarding the most effective training parameters could not be made. Further research comparing the content of different exercise protocols is required.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: Resumen disponible también en inglés.

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