
Wheelchair add-on design for improved utilisation and Nordic walking

Marzo Gasca, Belén
Manchado Pérez, Eduardo (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EUITIZ, 2010
Ingeniería de Diseño y Fabricación department, Expresión Gráfica de la Ingeniería area

Ingeniero Técnico en Diseño Industrial

Abstract: People with physical disabilities have been facing a lot of challenges every day because of lack of infrastructure. For them getting around in a city is a difficult task. Roads, stores, parks, offices, schools, theatres and even houses have been designed without taking this group into consideration. It has been a difficult challenge to design a device for wheelchairs, which could improve their mobility while experiencing Nordic walking/cross-country skiing. This report goes through the process of the concept development for this wheelchair add-on.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Proyecto Fin de Carrera
Notas: Trabajo cargado por la Biblioteca Hypatia. Para contactar con el autor utilice 552180@celes.unizar.es

Creative Commons License

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Academic Works > Trabajos Académicos por Centro > escuela-de-ingenieria-tecnica-industrial-de-zaragoza
Academic Works > Final Degree Projects

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