      author        = "Blanca María Villalba Navarro and MARIA BENITA NADAL
      title         = "{Forma y contenido en Matar un ruiseñor de Harper Lee}",
      year          = "2016",
      note          = "To Kill A Mockingbird (Harper Lee, 1960) is one of the
                       most influential and popular  novels in the history of U.S.
                       Literature. By using an original point of view and
                       narrative  voice, this masterpiece offers a critical
                       perspective of the social and economic aspects  of the
                       South of the U.S. during the decade of the 1930’s. This
                       essay analyses the voice  of the narrator as well as the
                       more relevant themes: the clash between childhood and 
                       adulthood, racism, violence, and the role of empathy. In
                       this way, form and content  work together to expose
                       prejudice and injustice.",