
Estudio estructural de un sector de la Zona Surpirenaica

Piedrafita Fernández, Miguel
Casas Sainz, Antonio M. (dir.) ; Gil Imaz, Andrés (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, CIEN, 2017
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Área de Geodinámica Interna

Graduado en Geología

Resumen: The structure of the sector situated in the western termination of the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees, is characterized by: 1) kilometric, east verging,N-S trending, recumbent folds, with secondary, parasitic folds, 2) a thrust system which stacks the Carboniferous units of the Variscan basement, 3) metric scale, west verging folds, incompatible in relation with their position within the limbs of the east verging major folds, which also show N-S trend. These materials are also affected by WNW-ESE Pyrenean folds, causing fold superposition, and syn-sedimentary extensional and strike-slip Cretaceous faults. These faults are characterized by thickness variations and roll-over folding. The Permian sediments are folded with WNW-ESE directions as a consequence of the buttressing against the reactivated Candanchú Fault, which represents the contact between the Carboniferous and the Permian units. The rocks situated in the proximities of this tectonic contact are strongly affected by the Pyrenean compression. The Carboniferous limestones present S-C’ fabric as well as other ductile microstructures, but also, to a lesser extent, fragile microstructures. Meanwhile, in the Permian sandstones the fragile structures are much more abundant than the ductile ones. The former are represented by a reverse fault conjugate system, rough cleavage, cataclasis and pressure-solution processes, and the later by ductile reorientation of phyllosilicates in the foliation planes.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado

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