      author        = "Abances Serrate, Rafael and Gracia Andía, Ana Belén",
      title         = "{Consecuencias del Brexit en las economías británica,
                       europea y española.}",
      year          = "2017",
      note          = "RESUMEN DISPONIBLE EN INGLÉS. My Project consists in
                       analyzing the political economic consequences of the
                       departure of  the United Kingdom from the European Union.
                       To carry this project out I base myself on numerous types
                       of  documentation, from press reports to expert reports as
                       well as information published in the Bank of England and
                       consulting companies and business associations. I consider
                       that this project is useful and important because it helps
                       first of all to contextualize the Britain Exit phenomenon,
                       keeping in mind previous historical events that have
                       finally led the British population to make the decision to
                       leave the European Union. The relationship between London
                       and Brussels has always had  a certain degree of Tension
                       and there has been a history of disgreements and
                       misunderstandings given that  United Kingdom has never
                       wanted to advance towards a future United States of Europe.
                        Secondly this project is useful because it allows us to
                       know the reasons and possible causes of Brexit. What was
                       the information given to the electorate? What were the
                       political and economic reasons that cause the Brexit? There
                       is also a brief analysis of how the British political
                       Outlook currently is after Brexit, the petition for another
                       referendum on Scottish Independence, the división of the
                       main political parties, the request by one large sector of
                       the population for another referendum on remaining in the
                       European Union. And thirdly, there is an extensive analysis
                       of the consequences for the UK which will affect both
                       companies as consumers and investors, as well as the
                       macroeconomic consequences and the possible solutions and
                       scenarios that can be solved by Brexit via future
                       negotiations. In addition the impact of Brexit for the EU
                       as a whole is detailed, especially on the budget and future
                       EU politics. Finally, It is analyzed the consequences of
                       Brexit for Spain, both in exports and imports and also in
                       one of our key sectors,  tourism.",