      author        = "Grasa Ciria, Diego and Orduna Onco, Ángel",
      title         = "{Intervención enfermera en gestantes sanas para la
                       prevención del hipotiroidismo: revisión bibliográfica}",
      year          = "2018",
      note          = "INTRODUCTION: The numerous physiological changes that take
                       place during pregnancy, increase the demand for iodine in
                       the pregnant woman and therefore, may eventually cause
                       hypothyroidism, with possible obstetric and fetal
                       consequences. However, it is not usually diagnosed because
                       its symptomatology is confused with the hypermetabolic
                       state characteristic of pregnancy, becoming the second most
                       common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age.
                       METHODOLOGY: In order to elaborate the bibliography,
                       studies published in the last ten years have been used. The
                       objective this review is identifying nursing interventions
                       in the prevention and control of thyroid hormones in the
                       assessment of a pregnant woman and identifying risk
                       factors, signs and symptoms characteristic of
                       hypothyroidism. DEVELOPMENT: Nursing functions are basic in
                       the first trimester of pregnancy, since the embryo depends
                       strictly on the hormones produced by the mother, with the
                       appearance of thyroid axis disorders with negative
                       repercussions such as preeclampsia, rupture placentary,
                       anemia or postpartum hemorrhage in the pregnant woman, and
                       low weight, respiratory distress or severe neuromotor and
                       cognitive retardation in the fetus. CONCLUSIONS: Nursing
                       should perform good praxis and have a current knowledge of
                       the subject in order to identify the signs and symptoms in
                       the pregnant woman characteristic of hypothyroidism. A
                       previous anamnesis and a good physical examination, are
                       complemented by a good health education about the
                       importance of healthy habits, highlighting a balanced diet
                       and the use of iodized salt, thus covering the required
                       amounts of iodine intake daily.",