
CUDA implementation of integration rules within an hp-finite element code

García Prado, Adián
Pardo Zubiaur, David (dir.) ; Celorrio de Pablo, Ricardo (dir.)

Celorrio de Pablo, Ricardo (ponente)

Universidad de Zaragoza, CIEN, 2012
Matemáticas department,

Máster Universitario en Modelización Matemática, Estadística y Computación

Abstract: With the introduction in 2006 of CUDA architecture for Nvidia GPUs a new programming model borned. Large number of articles indicates that this new programming model in a new architecture achieves better performance than previous implementations in traditional languages for CPUs. In this work the author tries to show the capabilities of GPU computing. To perform such a task a hp Finite Element integration method is implemented both in CUDA and in C language. After implementation, parallel executions in CPU and GPU will be compared to demonstrate if it is worth to create new algorimths under this architecture.

Free keyword(s): integration ; fem ; cuda ; C language
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master

Creative Commons License

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