
Posibilidad de uso de imágenes aéreas multiespectrales y radiometría de campo en la evaluación de la disponibilidad de nitrógeno en cereales

Sanza Moral, Beatriz
Casterad Seral, Mª Auxiliadora (dir.) ; Quílez, Dolores (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2012
Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio department,

Máster Universitario en Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica para la Ordenación del Territorio: Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Teledetección

Free keyword(s): radiometría ; índices de vegetación ; imagen multiespectral ; fertilización nitrogenada ; maíz
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master
Notas: The importance of nitrogen in agricultural production generates investigations in the search of a diagnosis of appropriate nitrogen fertilization in order to improve the recommendations of sub-scriber in the crops. This paper deals with obtaining information from airborne platforms and mul-tispectral images of radiometry, as field support to the management of nitrogen fertilization in cereals. The study has been carried out in two trials of strategies of nitrogen fertilization located in the province of Huesca, one of corn in the municipal term of Almudevar and another of rice in the municipality of Villanueva de Sigena. Multispectral aerial images of very high spatial resolution have been used with the purpose of having information that will help to diagnose the nutritional status of the crop. In addition, this information has been completed with radiometric measures and data on the chlorophyll content of the plants, taken in the field to validate the information derived from the images, and to be able to establish relationships between the content of chlorophyll and reflectivity. In order to achieve this aims the development of the sampling equipment, the design of the field sampling and the development of measurement protocols have been implemented. However, the acquisition of the multispectral images with a high resolution has yet a high cost. Through the analysis of the influence of the variation of the pixel size on the information, derived from the images of the work (indexes and bands) the use of lower resolutions in the images without changes to the information contained herein has been determined, thereby reducing the costs of acquisition. Two models of radiometric calibration of the images have been compared and information of the bands on the green, red and infrared as well as two vegetation indices, the NDVI and the GNDVI( information that relates to the chlorophyll content of plants) has been extracted from an image of the test of maize spectral. Some preliminary results indicate the necessity to adjust aspects in relation to the representativeness of the samples and measurements performed, if you want to characterize the behavior with the means in the plot of the different variables studied. Moreover, the acquisition of information has been plentiful even though it has to be analysed in subsequent studies, and compared with different parameters used in the line of research in which the work is framed for the achievement of results.

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