
Paleontología y Estratigrafía de la Formación Villar del Arzobispo en el entorno de Veguillas de la Sierra (Teruel)

Casinos Gómez, Raúl
Canudo Sanagustín, José Ignacio (dir.) ; Aurell Cardona, Marcos (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, CIEN, 2020
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra,

Graduado en Geología

Resumen: The present work focuses on the stratigraphic and paleontological study of the Villar del Arzobispo Formation in the Veguillas de la Sierra, Arroyo Cerezo and Alobras domain, which is integrated into the north western margin of the Valencia Basin. Despite the marginal situation within the basin, this formation has not been object of detailed stratigraphical and paleontological studies in the zone, so in this work, the first detailed stratigraphic columns and the situation of unpublished paleontological sites and remains will be shown. This formation is mainly composed of detritic sediments that were deposited in a fluvial to coastal environment, although an isolated carbonate level has been detected into the southern half of the study zone. This level has been called AC-VS, and is located in the middle part of the unit, showing a shallow marine origin, probably into a semi-restricted lagoon based on the fossil association. Besides this, AC-VS contain a benthic foraminifera association that suggests a late Kimmeridgian age for this level and the sediments below it (lower part of the Villar del Arzobispo Fm), probably reaching a lower Tithonian age in the sediments above it (upper part of the Villar del Arzobispo Fm). Most of the paleontological remains are located into the upper part of the unit, being the fossils of greatest interest two vertebral bodies classified as belonging to Sauropoda, probably of the clade Titanosauriformes, and two carpal elements associated to one of them. Added to this, a sandstone block with two tridactyl tracks, probably with ornithopod dinosaurs as track makers, has been found in the north part of the studied zone.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado

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