2025-01-08 09:06 |
What shapes silvopastoralism in Mediterranean mid-mountain areas? Understanding factors, drivers, and dynamics using fuzzy cognitive mapping
Lecegui, Antonio ; Olaizola, Ana ; Kok, Kasper ; Varela, Elsa
- [ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY 29, 4 (2024), 27 [28 pp.]- ISSN: 1708-3087]
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2024-11-29 13:28 |
Land of wolves, school of shepherds: the importance of pastoral knowledge on co-existence with large carnivores
Durá-Alemañ, C. Javier ; Almarcha, Francisco ; Sánchez-Zapata, José A. ; Pérez-Ibarra, Irene ; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui
- [Ecosystems and People 20, 1 (2024), 2422910 [16 pp.]- ISSN: 2639-5908]
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2024-11-22 11:56 |
Assessment of pig welfare at slaughterhouse level: A systematic review of animal-based indicators suitable for inclusion in monitoring protocols
Huanca-Marca, Nancy F. ; Estévez-Moreno, Laura X. ; Losada Espinosa, Natyieli ; Miranda-de la Lama, Genaro C.
- [Meat Science 220 (2025), 109689 [16 pp.]- ISSN: 0309-1740]
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2024-09-06 10:29 |
Do Mexican consumers really care about hen welfare? Understanding their attitudes, constraints and willingness to pay for cage-free eggs
Estévez-Moreno, Laura X. ; Villarroel, Morris ; Miranda-de la Lama, Genaro C.
- [Food Quality and Preference 122 (2025), 105292 [11 pp.]- ISSN: 0950-3293]
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2024-08-29 11:25 |
Actitudes y percepción de los consumidores hacia miel de origen local
Uldemolins Gómez, Pilar ; Maza, Maria Teresa ; De Magistris, Tiziana
- [ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria 120, 3 (2024), 288-302- ISSN: 1699-6887]
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2024-07-11 08:48 |
A strategy to increase lamb meat consumption from a relatioship marketing perspective
Maza, María Teresa ; Alvarez, Keyla ; Uldemolins, Pilar
- [Economía agraria y recursos naturales 24, 1 (2024), 29-56- ISSN: 1578-0732]
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2024-04-24 13:28 |
Participatory approaches and Social Network Analysis to analyse the emergence of collective action for rural development: a case study in the Spanish Pyrenees
Teston, M. ; Sturaro, E. ; Muñoz-Ulecia, E. ; Tenza-Peral, A. ; Raniolo, S. ; Pisani, E. ; Pachoud, C. ; Ramanzin, M. ; Martín-Collado, D.
- [Italian Journal of Animal Science 23, 1 (2024), 504-522- ISSN: 1594-4077]
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2024-04-10 08:41 |
Can local policy options reverse the decline process of small and marginalized rural areas influenced by global change?
Tenza-Peral, A. ; Perez-Ibarra, I. ; Breceda, A. ; Martinez-Fernandez, J. ; Gimenez, A.
- [ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY 127 (2022), 57-65- ISSN: 1462-9011]
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2024-03-15 09:44 |
Can traditional management practices help mountain livestock farms in the Spanish Pyrenees cope with climate change?
Muñoz-Ulecia, Enrique ; Martín-Collado, Daniel ; Bernués, Alberto ; Tenza Peral, Alicia ; Casasús, Isabel ; Villalba, Daniel
- [Regional Environmental Change 24, 1 (2024), 15 [13 pp.]- ISSN: 1436-3798]
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2024-02-19 13:51 |
Redes de abastecimiento alimentario en Chile. El barrio como lugar resiliente en tiempos de Covid19
Saavedra, Gonzalo ; Marchant, Lorena ; Bugueño-Fuentes, Zamir ; Luco, Javiera ; Celis, Marcela ; Torres, María-Pía ; Contreras, Claudio ; Arahuetes, Diego
- [EURE 49, 148 (2023), 1-26- ISSN: ]
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