
Derniers ajouts:
Modelos de dirección deportiva en clubes deportivos de fútbol base: diseño y validación de una escala Sarmiento Espiau, Alberto ; Murillo Lorente, Víctor ; Pueyo Romeo, Luis ; Álvarez Medina, Javier - [Retos 63 (2025), 237-250- ISSN: 1579-1726]
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Is hip adductor or abductor strength in healthy athletes associated with future groin pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis Quintana-Cepedal, Marcos ; Vicente-Rodríguez, Germán ; Crespo, Irene ; Olmedillas, Hugo - [British Journal of Sports Medicine 0 (2024), 108836 [9 pp.]- ISSN: 0306-3674]
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Injuries of a Spanish top-level sample of football referees. A retrospective study Matute-Llorente, A. ; Sanchez-Sanchez, J. ; Castagna, C. ; Casajus, J.A. - [Apunts. Medicina de l'esport 55, 208 (2020), 146-152- ISSN: 0213-3717]
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Long-term effects of whole-body vibration in trained adolescent swimmers: Does it increase strength, power, and swimming performance? Muniz-Pardos, B. ; Gómez-Bruton, A. ; Matute-Llorente, A. ; González-Agüero, A. ; Gómez-Cabello, A. ; Casajús, J.A. ; Vicente-Rodríguez, G. - [International journal of sports physiology and performance 15, 3 (2020), 416-422- ISSN: 1555-0265]
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Accurate Prediction Equation to Assess Body Fat in Male and Female Adolescent Football Players Lozano-Berges, G. ; Matute-Llorente, A. ; Gomez-Bruton, A. ; Gonzalez-Aguero, A. ; Vicente-Rodriguez, G. ; Casajus, J.A. - [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM 29, 3 (2019), 297-302- ISSN: 1526-484X]
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Nonspecific resistance training and swimming performance: Strength or power? A systematic review Muñiz Pardos, Borja ; Gómez Brutón, Alejandro ; Matute Llorente, Ángel ; González de Agüero Lafuente, Alejandro ; Gómez Cabello, Alba ; Gonzalo-Skok, Oliver ; Casajús Mallén, José Antonio ; Vicente Rodríguez, Germán - [Journal of strength and conditioning research 36, 4 (2022), 1162-1170- ISSN: 1064-8011]
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Depression, anxiety and stress in taxi drivers: a systematic review of the literature Marín-Berges, Marta ; Villa-Berges, Enrique ; Lizana, Pablo A. ; Gómez-Bruton, Alejandro ; Iguacel, Isabel - [INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - ISSN: 0340-0131]
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Study of the therapeutic effects of an advanced hippotherapy simulator in children with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial Herrero, Pablo ; Asensio, Angel ; Garcia, Elena ; Marco, Alvaro ; Olivan, Barbara ; Ibarz, Alejandro ; Gomez-Trullen, Eva M. ; Casas, Roberto - [BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 11, 71 (2010), 6 pp.- ISSN: 1471-2474]
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Development and validation of a questionnaire for table tennis teaching in physical education Ortega-Zayas, Miguel Angel ; Cardona-Linares, Antonio José ; Quílez, Alberto ; García-Giménez, Alejandro ; Lecina, Miguel ; Pradas, Francisco - [Frontiers in Psychology 16 (2025), 1550061 [6 p.]- ISSN: 1664-1078]
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Coaching SNAs can improve children’ participation in daily living skills: A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design study López de la Fuente, M. José ; García-Foncillas López, Rafael ; Gómez Trullén, Eva M. - [European journal of special needs education 37, 5 (2022), 891-906- ISSN: 0885-6257]
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