2025-01-31 12:13 |
Chemically-Linked Heterostructures of Palladium Nanosheets and 2H-MoS<sub>2</sub>
Quirós-Ovies, Ramiro ; Bastante, Pablo ; Hettler, Simon ; Vega-Mayoral, Víctor ; Aina, Sergio ; Balos, Vasileios ; Pucher, Thomas ; Castellanos-Gomez, Andrés ; Arenal, Raul ; Cabanillas-Gonzalez, Juan ; Pérez, Emilio M. ; Santamaría, Jesús ; Sebastian, Víctor
- [Small (2024), [10 pp.]- ISSN: 1613-6810]
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2025-01-30 16:20 |
Low-temperature magnetic interactions in the “butterfly”-type {Fe3GdO2} compound: The persistence of magnetic chains
Rubín, J. ; Arauzo, A. ; Bartolomé, F. ; Prodius, D. ; Bartolomé, J.
- [LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 50, 6 (2024), 446-451- ISSN: 1063-777X]
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2025-01-27 14:44 |
High relaxation barrier in neodymium furoate-based field-induced SMMs
Bartolomé, E. ; Arauzo, A. ; Luzón, J. ; Melnic, S. ; Shova, S. ; Prodius, D. ; Nlebedim, I. C. ; Bartolomé, F. ; Bartolomé, J.
- [Dalton Transactions 48, 41 (2019), 15386-15396- ISSN: 1477-9226]
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2025-01-27 14:44 |
Antiferromagnetic single-chain magnet slow relaxation in the {Tb(alpha-fur)(3)}(n) polymer with non-Kramers ions
Bartolome, E. ; Bartolome, J. ; Arauzo, A. ; Luzon, J. ; Badia, L. ; Cases, R. ; Luis, F. ; Melnic, S. ; Prodius, D. ; Shova, S. ; Turta, C.
- [JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 4, 22 (2016), 5038-5050- ISSN: 2050-7526]
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2025-01-25 20:57 |
Transition of laser-induced terahertz spin currents from torque- to conduction-electron-mediated transport
Jiménez-Cavero, Pilar ; Gueckstock, Oliver ; Nádvorník, Lukas ; Lucas, Irene ; Seifert, Tom S. ; Wolf, Martin ; Rouzegar, Reza ; Brouwer, Piet W. ; Becker, Sven ; Jakob, Gerhard ; Kläui, Mathias ; Guo, Chenyang ; Wan, Caihua ; Han, Xiufeng ; Jin, Zuanming ; Zhao, Hui ; Wu, Di ; Morellón, Luis ; Kampfrath, Tobias
- [Physical Review B 105, 18 (2022), 184408 [11 pp.]- ISSN: 2469-9950]
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2025-01-25 20:57 |
Strong crystallographic influence on spin hall mechanism in pld-grown iro2 thin films
Jiménez-Cavero P. ; Lucas I. ; Ara-Arteaga J. ; Ibarra M.R. ; Algarabel P.A. ; Morellón L.
- [Nanomaterials 11, 6 (2021), 1478 [10 pp]- ISSN: 2079-4991]
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2025-01-25 20:57 |
Engineering the spin conversion in graphene monolayer epitaxial structures
Anadón, A. ; Gudín, A. ; Guerrero, R. ; Arnay, I. ; Guedeja-Marron, A. ; Jiménez-Cavero, P. ; Díez Toledano, J.M. ; Ajejas, F. ; Varela, M. ; Petit-Watelot, S. ; Lucas, I. ; Morellón, L. ; Algarabel, P.A. ; Ibarra, M.R. ; Miranda, R. ; Camarero, J. ; Rojas-Sánchez, J.C. ; Perna, P.
- [APL Materials 9, 6 (2021), 061113 [7 pp]- ISSN: 2166-532X]
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2025-01-25 20:57 |
Dimensionality-driven metal-insulator transition in spin-orbit-coupled IrO2
Arias Egido E. ; Laguna Marco M.A. ; Piquer Oliet C. ; Jiménez Cavero P. ; Lucas del Pozo I. ; Morellón Alquézar L. ; Gallego F. ; Rivera-Calzada A. ; Cabero-Piris M. ; Santamaria J. ; Fabbris G. ; Haskel D. ; Boada R. ; Díaz-Moreno S.
- [Nanoscale 13, 40 (2021), 17125-17135- ISSN: 2040-3364]
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2025-01-25 20:57 |
Magnetic chains of Fe3 clusters in the {Fe3YO2} butterfly molecular compound
Rubín, Javier ; Badía-Romano, Laura ; Luis, Fernando ; Mereacre, Valeriu ; Prodius, Denis ; Arauzo, Ana ; Bartolomé, Fernando ; Bartolomé, Juan
- [Dalton Transactions 49, 9 (2020), 2979-2988- ISSN: 1477-9226]
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2025-01-25 20:57 |
Independent Control of the Magnetization in Ferromagnetic La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/SrTiO3/LaCoO3 Heterostructures Achieved by Epitaxial Lattice Mismatch
Rivas-Murias, B. ; Lucas, I. ; Jiménez-Cavero, P. ; Magén, C. ; Morellón, L. ; Rivadulla, F.
- [Nano Letters 16, 3 (2016), 1736-1740- ISSN: 1530-6984]
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