
Latest additions:
Validation of ultrasound for quantification of knee meniscal tissue: a cadaveric study Rodríguez-Sanz, Jacobo ; Malo-Urriés, Miguel ; Borrella-Andrés, Sergio ; Albarova-Corral, Isabel ; López-de-Celis, Carlos - [Diagnostics 15, 3 (2025), 389 [16 pp.]- ISSN: 2075-4418]
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Analysis of an intergenerational service-learning experience based on physical exercise in a community setting: a mixed-method study Alonso-Cortés Fradejas, Beatriz ; Lafuente-Ureta, Raquel ; Calvo, Sandra ; Fernández-Gorgojo, Mario ; Poveda-López, Jose Lesmes ; Jiménez-Sánchez, Carolina - [Frontiers in public health 12 (2025), 12 pp.- ISSN: 2296-2565]
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Effectiveness of pediatric integrative manual therapy in cervical movement limitation in infants with positional plagiocephaly: a randomized controlled trial Pastor-Pons, I. ; Hidalgo-García, C. ; Lucha-López, M.O. ; Barrau-Lalmolda, M. ; Rodes-Pastor, I. ; Rodríguez-Fernández, Á.L. ; Tricás-Moreno, J.M. - [ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 47 (2021), 41 [12 pp.]- ISSN: 1720-8424]
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Are palpation-guided interventional procedures on the adductor longus muscle safe? A cadaveric and sonographic investigation Santamaría-Le Pera, Javier ; Valera-Garrido, Fermín ; Valderrama-Canales, Francisco J. ; Minaya-Muñoz, Francisco ; Herrero, Pablo ; Lapuente-Hernández, Diego - [Surgical and radiologic anatomy 47, 1 (2025), 74 [8 pp.]- ISSN: 0930-1038]
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Relationship between mandibular position, activation of the masticatory musculature and free-throw accuracy in female basketball players Delgado-Delgado, Raquel ; Benito-de-Pedro, Ana Isabel ; Aguilera-Rubio, Ángela ; Conde-Vázquez, Orlando ; Jiménez-Herranz, Maura ; Albarova-Corral, Isabel ; Benito-de-Pedro, María - [JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION 52, 1 (2025), 90-99- ISSN: 0305-182X]
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Asistencia de campo de las lesiones de tejidos blandos Falcón Albero, María Ascensión ; Fernández Rodrigo, Maria Teresa ; Domínguez Oliván, María Pilar ; Franco Sierra, María Ángeles ; Monzón Fernández, Ana - [Anales de la Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de Zaragoza 2 (1999), 81-96- ISSN: 1139-7101]
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Asistencia de campo en las lesiones del sistema músculo-esquelético del deportista Franco Sierra, Maria Ángeles ; Domínguez Oliván, María Pilar ; Falcón Albero, Ascensión ; Fernández Rodrigo, Maria Teresa ; Ejarque Ferrer, Eduardo - [Anales de la Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de Zaragoza 2 (1999), 97-112- ISSN: 1139-7101]
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Relationship between knee alignment in asymptomatic subjects and flexibility of the main muscles that are functionally related to the knee Lucha-López, M.O. ; Tricás-Moreno, J.M. ; Gaspar-Calvo, E. ; Lucha-López, A.C. ; Vidal-Peracho, C. ; Hidalgo-García, C. ; Caudevilla-Polo, S. ; Fanlo-Mazas, P. - [JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH 46, 8 (2018), 3065-3077- ISSN: 0300-0605]
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Depression, anxiety and stress in taxi drivers: a systematic review of the literature Marín-Berges, Marta ; Villa-Berges, Enrique ; Lizana, Pablo A. ; Gómez-Bruton, Alejandro ; Iguacel, Isabel - [INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - ISSN: 0340-0131]
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ICF-based disability survey in a rural population of adults and older adults living in Cinco Villas, Northeastern Spain: design, methods and population characteristics. de Pedro-Cuesta, J. ; Comín-Comín, M. ; Virués-Ortega, J. ; Almazán-Isla, J. ; Avellanal, F. ; Alcalde-Cabero, E. ; Burzaco, O. ; Castellote, JM. ; Cieza, A. ; Damián, J. ; Forjaz, MJ. ; Frades, B. ; Franco, E. ; Larrosa, LA. ; Magallón, R. ; Martín-García, G. ; Martínez, C. ; Martínez-Martín, P. ; Pastor-Barriuso, R. ; Peña-Jiménez, A. ; Población Martínez, A. ; Reed, G. ; Ruíz, C. - [NEUROEPIDEMIOLOGY 35, 1 (2010), 72-154- ISSN: 0251-5350]
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