
Derniers ajouts:
Comparative Evaluation of Salt Tolerance in Four Self-Rooted Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L. and Corylus americana Walter) Cultivars Rius-Garcia, Xavier ; Videgain-Marco, María ; Casanova-Gascón, José ; Acuña-Rello, Luis ; Martín-Ramos, Pablo - [Agronomy (Basel) 15, 1 (2025), 148 [28 pp.]- ISSN: 2073-4395]
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Evaluation of Salt Tolerance in Four Self-Rooted Almond Genotypes for Super-High-Density Orchards Under Varying Salinity Levels Rius-García, Xavier ; Videgain-Marco, María ; Casanova-Gascón, José ; Acuña-Rello, Luis ; Zufiaurre-Galarza, Raquel ; Martín-Ramos, Pablo - [Agriculture (Basel) 15, 3 (2025), 254 [27 pp.]- ISSN: 2077-0472]
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Aromatic profile of black truffle grown in Argentina: Characterization of commercial categories and alterations associated to maturation, harvesting date and orchard management practices Tejedor-Calvo, Eva ; Garcia-Barreda, Sergi ; Sebastián Dambolena, José ; Pelissero, David ; Sánchez, Sergio ; Marco, Pedro ; Nouhra, Eduardo - [Food Research International 173 (2023), 113300- ISSN: 0963-9969]
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Aromatic changes in home-made truffle products after heat treatments Tejedor-Calvo, Eva ; Morales, Diego ; Sanz, María Ángeles ; Sánchez, Sergio ; Marco, Pedro ; García-Barreda, Sergi - [Food Research International 164 (2023), 112403- ISSN: 0963-9969]
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Supercritical CO2 extraction method of aromatic compounds from truffles Tejedor-Calvo, E ; Garcia-Barreda, S ; Sanchez, S ; Morales, D ; Soler-Rivas, C ; Ruiz-Rodriguez, A ; Sanz, MA ; Garcia, AP ; Morte, A ; Marco, P - [LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 150 (2021), 111954- ISSN: 0023-6438]
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Effects of gamma irradiation on the shelf-life and bioactive compounds of Tuber aestivum truffles packaged in passive modified atmosphere Tejedor-Calvo, E. ; Morales, D. ; García-Barreda, S. ; Sánchez, S. ; Venturini, M.E. ; Blanco, D. ; Soler-Rivas, C. ; Marco, P. - [INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY 332 (2020), 108774 [8 pp.]- ISSN: 0168-1605]
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Screening of bioactive compounds in truffles and evaluation of pressurized liquid extractions (PLE) to obtain fractions with biological activities Tejedor-Calvo, E. ; Morales, D. ; Marco, P. ; Sánchez, S. ; Garcia-Barreda, S. ; Smiderle, F. R. ; Iacomini, M. ; Villalva, M. ; Santoyo, S. ; Soler-Rivas, C. - [Food Research International 132 (2020), 109054 [8 pp.]- ISSN: 0963-9969]
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Truffle flavored commercial products veracity and sensory analysis from truffle and non-truffle consumers Tejedor-Calvo, Eva ; García-Barreda, Sergi ; Felices-Mayordomo, María ; Blanco, Domingo ; Sánchez, Sergio ; Marco, Pedro - [Food Control 145 (2023), 109424 [10 pp.]- ISSN: 0956-7135]
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Técnicas de imagen y análisis multielemental en el estudio de las pinturas esquemáticas del dolmen de El Moreco (Huidobro, Burgos, España). Santa Cruz del Barrio, Angélica ; Martín-Gil, Jesús ; Delibes de Castro, Germán ; Cuchí Oterino, José Antonio ; Del Valle, Alejandro ; Martín-Ramos, Pablo - [Salduie (Zaragoza) 23, 1 (2023), 59-69- ISSN: 1576-6454]
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On-farm experimentation of precision agriculture for differential seed and fertilizer management in semi-arid rainfed zones Videgain, M. ; Martínez-Casasnovas, J. A. ; Vigo-Morancho, A. ; Vidal, M. ; García-Ramos, F. J. - [PRECISION AGRICULTURE 25 (2024), 3048–3069- ISSN: 1385-2256]
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