2024-01-24 15:07 |
Urinary protein/creatinine ratio in the evaluation of renal failure in canine leishmaniasis
Palacio J. ; Liste F. ; Gascon M.
- [Veterinary Record 137, 22 (1995), 567-568- ISSN: 0042-4900]
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2024-01-24 15:07 |
Enzymuria as an index of renal damage in canine leishmaniasis
Palacio J. ; Liste F. ; Gascon M.
- [Veterinary Record 140, 18 (1997), 477-480- ISSN: 0042-4900]
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2024-01-24 15:07 |
Differences in the biological stress responses of two cattle breeds to walking up to mountain pastures in the Pyrenees
Garcia Belenguer, S. ; Palacio, J. ; Gascon, M. ; Aceña, C. ; Revilla, R. ; Mormede, P.
- [Veterinary Research 27, 4-5 (1996), 515-526- ISSN: 0928-4249]
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2024-01-24 15:07 |
Mortalidad durante el transporte a un matadero en ganado porcino
Palacio, J ; García-Belenguer, S ; Gascón, FM ; Liste, F ; Ortega, C ; Lobera, B ; Martín-Maestro, I ; Ángel, JA ; Lles, JC ; Bayo F
- [Investigación agraria. Producción y sanidad animales 11, 2 (1996), 159-169- ISSN: 0213-5035]
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