2025-01-17 14:45 |
Bimineralic calcite-aragonite rafts in the hypogeous lakes of Cova dets Ases (Mallorca): Controls on precipitation and polymorphism
Entrena, A. ; Auqué, L.F. ; Gimeno, M.J. ; Fornós, J.J.
- [CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 673 (2025), 122529 [22 pp.]- ISSN: 0009-2541]
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2024-11-22 11:56 |
Statuary Qualities of White and Black Göktepe Identified in the Hispanic Valdetorres de Jarama Marble Collection
Lapuente Mercadal, Maria Pilar ; Nogales-Basarrate, Trinidad
- [Minerals 14, 8 (2024), 797 [22 pp.]- ISSN: 2075-163X]
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2024-11-14 10:20 |
Spatial dynamics of lindane concentration in a soil-plant system at the Bailín landfill site (Sabiñánigo, Huesca, Spain)
Hernández, Mauricio ; Fernández, Jesús ; Fontecha, Gustavo ; Gómez, Javier
- [Environmental Pollution 363 (2024), 125198 [8 pp.]- ISSN: 0269-7491]
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2024-11-08 10:44 |
One-Way Markov Process Approach to Repeat Times of Large Earthquakes in Faults
Tejedor, Alejandro ; Gomez, Javier B. ; Pacheco, Amalio F.
- [JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS 149, 5 (2012), 951-963- ISSN: 0022-4715]
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2024-11-08 10:44 |
Earthquake size-frequency statistics in a forest-fire model of individual faults
Tejedor, A. ; Gómez, J. B. ; Fernández Pacheco, A.
- [Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79, 4 (2009), 046102 [10 pp.]- ISSN: 1539-3755]
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2024-11-08 10:44 |
Predictability of the Large Relaxations in a Cellular Automaton Model
Tejedor, Alejandro ; Ambroj, Samuel ; Gómez, Javier B. ; Pacheco, Amalio F.
- [Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (2008), 375102 [16 pp.]- ISSN: 1751-8113]
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2024-11-08 10:44 |
Prediction of stasis and crisis in the Bak-Sneppen model
Tejedor, Alejandro ; Gómez, Javier B. ; Fernández-Pacheco, Amalio
- [PHYSICS LETTERS A 373, 44 (2009), 4077-4081- ISSN: 0375-9601]
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2024-11-08 10:44 |
Hierarchical model for distributed seismicity
Tejedor, Alejandro ; Gómez, Javier B. ; Pacheco, Amalio F.
- [Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82, 1 (2010), 016118 [11 pp.]- ISSN: 1539-3755]
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2024-09-26 11:42 |
Phreatic overgrowths on speleothems (POS) from the Mallorca caves: Morphology, mineralogy, and crystal fabric classification
Entrena, Ana ; Auqué, Luis F. ; Gimeno, María J. ; Fornós, Joan J.
- [EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS 49, 13 (2024), 4289-4309- ISSN: 0197-9337]
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2024-09-12 13:08 |
The Oligocene–Miocene transition climate recorded in a lacustrine sequence, Ebro Basin: preliminary insights
Arenas, Concha ; Cabrera, Lluís ; Osácar, Mª Cinta ; Valero, Luis ; Pérez-Rivarés, Javier ; Bastida, Joaquín ; Garcés, Miguel ; Auqué, Luis ; Gil, Andres ; Gimeno, María J.
- [Geogaceta 75 (2024), 11-14- ISSN: 0213-683X]
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