
Un enfoque de aprendizaje automático para la reconstrucción de imágenes transitorias

Cosculluela Gracia, Miguel Ángel
Marco Murria, Julio (dir.) ; Gutiérrez Pérez, Diego (dir.)

Alcalá Nalvaiz, José Tomás (ponente)

Universidad de Zaragoza, CIEN, 2021
Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, Área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos

Máster Universitario en Modelización e Investigación Matemática, Estadística y Computación

Resumen: The recent advances in non-line-of-sight imaging have made it possible to reconstruct scenes hidden around a corner, with potential applications in e.g. autonomous driving or medical imaging. By operating at frame rates comparable to the speed of light, recent virtual-wave propagation methods leverage the temporal footprint of indirect light transport at a visible auxiliary surface to take virtual photos of objects hidden from the observer. Despite these advances, these methods have a critical computational bottleneck: The reconstruction quality and the computational performance are highly dependent on the resolution of the capture grid, which is typically discretized in space and time, leading to high processing and memory constraints.
Inspired by recent machine learning techniques, in this work we propose a new computational imaging method to address these limitations. For this purpose we propose to learn implicit representations of the captured data using neural networks, allowing us to convert the discrete space of the captured data into a continuous one. However, working directly with the captured data is a complex task due to its huge size and its high dynamic range values. In order to avoid these problems, we leverage recent wave-based phasor-field imaging methods to transform the time-resolved captured data into sets of 2D complex-valued fields (i.e. phasor fields) at different frequencies, which provides a more favorable representation for machine learning methods.
nder our implicit representation formulation, we analyze the performance of different neural network models to represent the complex structure of phasor fields, starting from simpler representations, and iteratively providing more powerful models to add support for the complexity of the data. We demonstrate how recent machine learning techniques based on multilayer perceptrons with sine activation functions are capable of representing phasor fields analytically in both spatial and temporal frequency domains, and integrate them into the phasor-field framework to reconstruct hidden geometry. We finally test this neural model in different scenes, and measure its performance at higher resolutions not seen by the captured data. We show how the model is able to analytically upsample all dimensions, and demonstrate how our implicit representation additionally works as a denoiser of the source discretized phasor field.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Master

Creative Commons License

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