
Paciente con cáncer de colon

Guallart Calvo, María Reyes
León Puy, Juan Francisco (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EUCS, 2013
Fisiatría y Enfermería department, Enfermería area

Graduado en Enfermería

Free keyword(s): cáncer colorrectal ; planes de cuidados ; cuidados de enfermería ; colorectal cancer ; care plans ; nursing
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: Patient with cancer of Colon. In this work I want to present the application of the process nurse in the care and attention of a patient with cancer of colon that a colostomía has practised him. Working with the method nurse and the accomplishment of a plan of taken care, one manages to improve the control of physical, psychic, spiritual and social symptoms. It facilitates the identification of taken care before a concrete situation of health, to be able to choose the interventions that were helping us to guarantee the satisfaction of his needs during a process of health.

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