      author        = "Jiménez Añón, Marta and Lanuza Giménez, Fco. Javier
                       and Jiménez Caudevilla, Carlos",
      title         = "{Metformina y Acidosis láctica}",
      year          = "2018",
      note          = "Metformin (Biguanide) is the most commonly used oral
                       antidibbetic agent in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. It has an
                       advantage over Sulfonylureas due to its lower degree of
                       hypoglycaemia and its beneficial effects in hyperlipemia.
                       It has also been observed that weight decreases slightly,
                       making it the first choice in obese patients. Regarding
                       their adverse reactions, the most frequent are
                       gastrointestinal, however, the most serious and infrequent
                       is lactic acidosis (the reason for our study) that occurs
                       when toxic doses of metformin are given or normal doses in
                       patients with factors of risk for lactic acidosis (Heart
                       failure, renal or hepatic, COPD ... etc). In this work, in
                       addition to a brief review of the treatment of type 2 DM,
                       we will analyze the current evidence in relation to
                       Metformin and lactic acidosis, as well as what the risk
                       groups are and what measures should be taken. Finally, we
                       will address the problem that arises in the emergency
                       services at the time of differentiation, in patients who
                       take metformin and have a fever, if the increase in lactic
                       acid is due to taking metformin or to have a severe sepsis",