      author        = "García-Esquinas E. and Ortolá R. and Gine-Vázquez I.
                       and Carnicero J.A. and Mañas A. and Lara E. and
                       Alvarez-Bustos A. and Vicente-Rodriguez G. and Sotos-Prieto
                       M. and Olaya B. and Garcia-Garcia F.J. and Gusi N. and
                       Banegas J.R. and Rodríguez-Gómez I. and Struijk E.A. and
                       Martínez-Gómez D. and Lana A. and Haro J.M. and
                       Ayuso-Mateos J.L. and Rodríguez-Mañas L. and Ara I. and
                       Miret M. and Rodríguez-Artalejo F.",
      title         = "{Changes in health behaviors, mental and physical health
                       among older adults under severe lockdown restrictions
                       during the covid-19 pandemic in spain}",
      year          = "2021",