      author        = "Burgui Domingo, Aida and Matesanz Martín, José María",
      title         = "{Trabajo fin de máster en profesorado de educación
                       secundaria obligatoria, bachillerato, formación
                       profesional y enseñanza de idiomas, artísticas y
      year          = "2013",
      note          = "Presentation of “Trabajo de Fin del Máster
                       Universitario en Profesorado E.S.O., Bachillerato, F.P. y
                       Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Artísticas y Deportivas”.
                       Compulsory Subject and valued with 6 credits. In this
                       project I will demonstrate my capacity of doing a critical
                       consideration about the learning processes and the teaching
                       practice from the acquired experience throughout the
                       master, synthesized in this report. I will try to transmit
                       the knowledge and the acquired aptitudes throughout the
                       degree. Ultimately, I will attempt to reflect/show the
                       abstract of the training acquired throughout all the
                       educations described. This report contains the specific
                       analysis of three activities linked to different subjects
                       taught during both semesters. The three chosen activities
                       are: Comparative Study, Educational schedule and the final
                       work of the subject Abilities of the Thinking. All this
                       have been supervised and managed by José María Matesanz.",