      author        = "Pueyo, Emilio L. and Román-Berdiel, Teresa and Calvín,
                       Pablo and Bouchez, Jean Luc and Beamud, Elisabet and Ayala,
                       Conxi and Loi, Francesca and Soto, Ruth and Clariana, Pilar
                       and Margalef, Aina and Bach, Nuria and Schamuells, Nia and
                       Rubio, Félix M. and Gimeno, Ana and Fernández de
                       Arévalo, Elena and Rey-Moral, Carmen and García, Arturo
                       and Martí, Joan and Casas, Antonio M. and García-Lobón,
                       José Luis",
      title         = "{Petrophysical Characterization of Non-Magnetic Granites;
                       Density and Magnetic Susceptibility Relationships}",
      year          = "2022",