
Charging Station for Electric Bikes Powered by Renewable Energy

Bin Meor Affendi, Meor Mohd Afifi ; Putz, Lucca ; Boschi, Cristian ; Espino, Alex
Ulrik Hansen, Per (dir.) ; Overgaard Sørensen, Lene (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, ALM, 2022

Graduado en Ingeniería Mecatrónica

Abstract: This report serves the purpose to answer the research problem of developing a charging station for electric bicycles powered by renewable energy allowing rental companies to create a safer and more sustainable way of commuting. The report was divided into a business and a mechanical part to provide a better overview of each area of operations. The business part focuses on the establishment of the company, SolHavn, the analysis of market environment and customers, as well as the creation of a suitable marketing strategy, and the projection of the expected financial positioning of the company. On the other hand, the mechanical part demonstrates the correct and accurate method to dimension and design a solar charging station that capable of charging 10 electric bike according to appropriate mechanical calculation, assumption and analysis realized. The value of the energy consumption was estimated for the off-grid situation primarily and it mainly focus on the worst case scenario season in Barcelona, Spain. Moreover, the consideration of losses that would happen in electrical cabling and other electronic related component like step-down, charge controller and other was taken into account. Finally, the structural design for the station as demonstrated and would be able to support the load of chosen solar panel and other natural loads after detailed calculation. Besides, other simulation which involved other scenario like hybrid and on-grid was considered and analyzed. The comparison between these other scenarios helped in improving the solar station for further project.

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado

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