Accueil > articulos > Reliability and Validity of Computerized Adventitious Respiratory Sounds in People with Bronchiectasis > BibTeX |
@article{Herrero-Cortina:123849, author = "Herrero-Cortina, Beatriz and Francín-Gallego, Marina and Sáez-Pérez, Juan Antonio and San Miguel-Pagola, Marta and Anoro-Abenoza, Laura and Gómez-González, Cristina and Montero-Marco, Jesica and Charlo-Bernardos, Marta and Altarribas-Bolsa, Elena and Pérez-Trullén, Alfonso and Jácome, Cristina", title = "{Reliability and Validity of Computerized Adventitious Respiratory Sounds in People with Bronchiectasis}", year = "2022", }