Página principal > Artículos > In Cellulo Bioorthogonal Catalysis by Encapsulated AuPd Nanoalloys: Overcoming Intracellular Deactivation > BibTeX |
@article{Rubio-Ruiz:124411, author = "Rubio-Ruiz, Belén and Pérez-López, Ana M. and Uson, Laura and Ortega-Liebana, M. Carmen and Valero, Teresa and Arruebo, Manuel and Hueso, Jose L. and Sebastian, Victor and Santamaria, Jesus and Unciti-Broceta, Asier", title = "{In Cellulo Bioorthogonal Catalysis by Encapsulated AuPd Nanoalloys: Overcoming Intracellular Deactivation}", year = "2023", }