      author        = "Epelboin, Loïc and De Souza Ribeiro Mioni, Mateus and
                       Couesnon, Aurelie and Saout, Mona and Guilloton, Edith and
                       Omar, Salma and De Santi, Vincent Pommier and Davoust,
                       Bernard and Marié, Jean Lou and Lavergne, Anne and Donato,
                       Damien and Guterres, Alexandro and Rabier, Sebastien and
                       Destoop, Justin and Djossou, Felix and Baudrimont, Xavier
                       and Roch, Antoine and Cicuttin, Gabriel Leonardo and
                       Rozental, Tatiana and Nacher, Mathieu and Millán, Javier
                       and De Lemos, Elba R. Sampaio and Fernandes, Jorlan and
                       Duron, Olivier and De Thoisy, Benoit and Rousset, Elodie",
      title         = "{Coxiella burnetii Infection in Livestock, Pets, Wildlife,
                       and Ticks in Latin America and the Caribbean: a
                       Comprehensive Review of the Literature}",
      year          = "2023",