      author        = "Lugones-Sánchez, Cristina and Santos-Mínguez, Sandra and
                       Salvado, Rita and González-Sánchez, Susana and
                       Tamayo-Morales, Olaya and Hoya-González, Amaya and
                       Ramírez-Manent, José I. and Magallón-Botaya, Rosa and
                       Quesada-Rico, José A. and Garcia-Cubillas, Miriam D. and
                       Rodríguez-Sánchez, Emiliano and Gómez-Marcos, Manuel A.
                       and Benito-Sanchez, Rocío and Mira, Alex and
                       Hernandez-Rivas, Jesus M. and Garcia-Ortiz, Luis and ",
      title         = "{Lifestyles, arterial aging, and its relationship with the
                       intestinal and oral microbiota (MIVAS III study): a
                       research protocol for a cross-sectional multicenter study}",
      year          = "2023",