
Evaluación de los sitios web de los hospitales aragoneses

Serna Sans, Yaiza
Salvador Oliván, José Antonio (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2014
Ciencias de la Documentación e Historia de la Ciencia department, Biblioteconomía y Documentación area

Graduado en Información y Documentación

Free keyword(s): accesibilidad ; aragón ; evaluación ; hospital ; información ; sitio web ; usabilidad ; accessibility ; aragon ; evaluation ; hospital ; information ; usability ; website
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: Hospitals develop their work of protection and rehabilitation of health according to the principles of universality and integrity gathered in the General Law of Health. Through tasks such as teaching, research or prevention of diseases, they not only respond to the needs of patients who require hospital care, but also to all users interested in health and well-being. Most of these institutions consider the existence of a web site one of the simplest mechanisms of communication with the citizen, striving every day to maintain and update it. In Aragon, this trend has not been checked yet, requiring an assessment that exposes their real situation and that reveals new ways for improvement.

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