
Dominance, Bigtechs and digital payment services: regulatory approaches; 1ª ed.

Bueso Guillén, Pedro-José

En : New European Competition Trends in Digital Markets
Atelier Barcelona
ISBN: 978-84-10174-68-9
Pp: 189-208

Abstract: After defining Bigtechs for the purpose of this paper, it presents the status of their activity in the payment and E-money services EU internal market. Next it deals with the regulatory approaches called to face the leverage risk raising from the impact of their dominance in primary markets on the level playing field between the incumbents and these newcomers in the above mentioned financial services market. The regulatory mechanisms offered by the approaches based on the Law on Financial Services and on Competition Law are explored. The paper ends with some final remarks.

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 Record created 2024-07-19, last modified 2024-07-19

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