      author        = "Sanz Segura, Patricia and Gomollón, Fernando and Casas,
                       Diego and Iborra, Marisa and Vela, Milagros and
                       Fernández-Clotet, Agnès and Muñoz, Roser and García de
                       la Filia, Irene and García Prada, María and Ferrer
                       Rosique, Juan Ángel and García, María José and de
                       Francisco, Ruth and Arias, Lara and Barrio, Jesús and
                       Guerra, Iván and Ponferrada, Ángel and Gisbert, Javier P.
                       and Carrillo-Palau, Marta and Calvet, Xavier and
                       Márquez-Mosquera, Lucía and Gros, Beatriz and Cañete,
                       Fiorella and Monfort, David and Madrigal Domínguez, Rosa
                       Eva and Roncero, Óscar and Laredo, Viviana and Montoro,
                       Miguel and Muñoz, Carmen and López-Cauce, Beatriz and
                       Lorente, Rufo and Fuentes Coronel, Ana and Vega, Pablo and
                       Martín, Dolores and Peña, Elena and Varela, Pilar and
                       Olivares, Sonsoles and Pajares, Ramón and Lucendo, Alfredo
                       J. and Sesé, Eva and Botella Mateu, Belén and Nos, Pilar
                       and Domènech, Eugeni and García-López, Santiago",
      title         = "{Psoriasis induced by antiTNF therapy in inflammatory
                       bowel disease: Therapeutic management and evolution of both
                       diseases in a nationwide cohort study}",
      year          = "2024",