Accueil > articulos > The kinetics of cardiac troponin T release during and after 1- and 6-h maximal cycling trials > BibTeX |
@article{Legaz-Arrese:145092, author = "Legaz-Arrese, Alejandro and Sitko, Sebastian and Cirer-Sastre, Rafel and Mayolas-Pi, Carmen and Jiménez-Gaytán, Romario Rivelino and Orocio, Ricardo Navarro and García, Ricardo Lopez and Corral, Pedro Gualberto Morales and Reverter-Masia, Joaquín and George, Keith and Carranza-García, Luis Enrique", title = "{The kinetics of cardiac troponin T release during and after 1- and 6-h maximal cycling trials}", year = "2025", }