      author        = "Cebollada Gil, Verónica and Marín Pina, María Carmen",
      title         = "{De amores y philocaptio: influencias entre La Celestina,
                       el Primaleón y la Tragicomedia de don Duardos.}",
      year          = "2014",
      note          = "Resumen disponible también en inglés. At the end of the
                       Middle Ages, La Celestina comes out. This play will
                       represent, in someway, the becoming of the literature and
                       it will turn into a very important masterpiece. The next
                       essay comes from the study of "philocaptio" and it focuses
                       specially on the effectivity of this love story of the main
                       characters. Also, the following work tries to find some
                       possible "celestinescas" influences in the portuguese Gil
                       Vicente's work "Tragicomedia de don Duardos". In addition,
                       it has recourse to the study of passages from the book of
                       chivalry "Primaleón", originary source of the vicentina