author = "Navarro Algarate, José Antonio and Escolano Utrilla,
year = "2014",
note = "The present work analyzes the evolution of the works as
for the politics of Territorial Arrange-ment in Aragon and
more concretely relative to the Environmental Arrangement
across the Agen-das 21 place initiated and developed in
three Aragon’s provinces (Huesca, Teruel and Saragossa)
defining his degree of development and implantation at
present, as well as the principal differ-ences between the
works realized in three Provinces. Work departs from the
precedents reflected in other similar studies realized in
the year 2006 (Headquarter of Environmental Quality dl I
Govern of Aragon) and 2009 (Foundation Boreas and
University of Saragossa, Dpt. Accounting and Finance), as
well as of the analysis of the public existing information
in diverse IT networks confirmed principally with the
diverse implied, such administrations as County councils,
Town halls and Regions. The Agenda 21 Local is one of the
fundamental pieces for the territorial Sustainable
development since like that is exposed in di-verse Forums
and International Conferences (Rio of Janeiro 1992),
(Aalborg's Letter 1994 and Aalborg+10), (Lisbon 1996),
(Hannover 2000), European Strategy of Sustainable
Development, approved by the European Commission (2001),
(Summit of Johannesburg’s Earth 2002), for what his
importance for the above mentioned territorial balanced and
sustainable development would justify of for if, a review
of the actions realized in this one matter in Aragon until
the year 2014. The importance of the Agendas 21 in Aragon
for the territorial sustainable development, also the "
Plan Locality", approved by the Spanish Parliament of
Aragon at the suggestion of the Depart-ment of Territorial
Politics, Justice and Interior of the Government of Aragon,
donate one of the priority aims it will consist of
investigating, of knowing, of comparing and observing the
advances and the hanging challenges derived from the
implantation, in the different Aragon’s local
authori-ties, of the Local Agendas 21. Being this one the
fundamental motivation that has guided the present work.
Depending on the obtained results there has been elaborated
a cartography individualized by provinces and a general map
of Aragon in which there are included the results of three
provinces. This cartography can ensue from special
interest provided that the existing cartography on the
matter is very shallow, especially considering the
disappearance of O.S.E (Observatory of the Sustainability
in Spain) and his studies from the year 2012. As for the
conclusions they are have been realized on the basis of the
territorial provincial ar-rangement and his special
geographical considerations, attending when evaluating the
degree of development and implantation of the diverse
phases of the Agendas 21. Key Words: Agenda 21 Local,
Environmental Arrangement, Sustainable Development,
Provinces Aragon.",