author = "Domingo Martinez, Jose María and Martínez Salinas, Eva",
title = "{Estrategias de marca en la empresa: Análisis y
comparativa de tres marcas líderes}",
year = "2014",
note = "ABSTRACT In this paper several aspects around the brand
have been chosen and analyzed through a theoretical
framework. These aspects are selected due to their
representation in the clear and unambiguous consumer’s
perception of the Brand. Later, the planning of objectives
is carried on, with the choice of three brands,
specifically Apple, Google and Coca-Cola. The purpose is to
look into which analyzed aspect in the theoretical
framework constitutes the key of success for each of the
brands, and finding out similarities between the three of
the brands with the conclusions already made. The choice of
the brands is based in the interest of dealing with leaders
in their fields that assumedly proceed with optimal
management of the subject. This way, the analysis shows
these conclusions: For Apple, innovation and loyalty to the
brand are the basic tenets, whereas for Google they are
innovation and publicising. For Coca-Cola they would be
publicising and fidelity of its consumers. That’s why
innovation seems to be the key factor in technological
industries, meanwhile brands oriented towards the product,
fidelity to the brand appears really relevant. It is also
noted that ad-investing and a planned publicity strategy,
far from being just a promotion tool, turns into the main
competitive weapon of any enterprise in the actual market.
After the analysis, it seems evident that no brand is
perfect and also the importance of the knowledge of the key
aspect in each case, in order to achieve excellence in that
particular feature, and never overlooking the rest of the
aspects. ",