
Estrategias para la detección y prevención del acoso escolar en diferentes contextos sociales

León Castellano, Laura
Vellisca González, Mª Yolanda (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FCSH, 2014
Psicología y Sociología department, Psicología Social area

Graduado en Maestro Educación Infantil

Free keyword(s): bullying ; acoso escolar ; prevención ; detección ; intervención ; propuesta de actuación
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: This article presents a theory of a phenomenon that continues to revolutionize the classroom: bullying. To do this, I researched its origins, the consequences, the guys there and the profile of the protagonists of this phenomenon. To dig deeper into the subject, I have thought about how to detect and prevent this phenomenon in the classroom, raising an action proposal addressed to students in first, second and third cycle of primary school education Miguel Valles. This proposal aims to present a number of mechanisms to help us identify this phenomenon. Among the materials that we will use direct observation highlights and questionnaires. I have done this literature review in order to gather valuable information about bullying and raise a proposal that would help schools to eradicate any such case.

Creative Commons License

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