
Physic-chemical characterization of two benthic transects in Baños and Sabocos tarns (Alto Gallego, Huesca): bathymetric and distance to the runoff source variability analyses

Navarro Mariñoso, Fernando
Pardo Juez, Alfonso (dir.) ; Betrán Aso, Jesús (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EPSHUES, 2014
Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural, Área de Edafología y Química Agrícola

Graduado en Ciencias Ambientales

Resumen: Pyrenean tarns, (i.e., glacier cirque lakes dubbed “ibones” in Aragón) have a relevant scientific and social interest and value. Although there have been a few sporadic efforts to understand the main physic-chemical characteristics of their water masses and the concomitant environmental condition, systematic study of their basins and benthic sediments has not been addressed, despite of its interest for the environmental research of these ecosystems. This study analyzes for the first time the physic-chemical and pedological properties of a 100 m transects spanning from the shore to the maximum depth oftarns of the Aragonian Pyrenees, Baños and Sabocos, both located in the Alto Gállego region (Huesca) to investigate the influence in the composition and variability of sediment due to depth and distance to the runoff source. Data obtained in this study highlight the importance of lithology and input area have on the physicochemical properties of sediments from the studied tarns. It was found direct relationship between the bathymetry and the variation of their values and concentrations in seven of the analyzed variables. Have been found clear signs of the effects that human action in one of the studied tarns. Baños tarn shows extremely high values of organic matter and phosphorus due to the discharges draining into its basin, this highlights the necessity of the continue the effort to protect these ecosystems.

Palabra(s) clave (del autor): tarn ; ibón ; glacier lake ; aragonian pyrenees ; subaquatic sediment ; benthic transect ; bathymetric profile
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado

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