
Orientaciones para la prevención, detección y actuación ante un posible caso de maltrato infantil en un aula de Educación Infantil

Fuertes Gil, Montserrat
Vellisca González, Mª Yolanda (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FCSH, 2014
Ciencias de la Educación department, Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educ. area

Graduado en Maestro Educación Infantil

Free keyword(s): maltrato ; indicadores ; protocolo de actuación ; entrevista
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: The work which starts being read wants to approach and become aware, as main objective to teachers, about the big importance their acts have at the time they act or omit about the presence of child abuse in the classroom. It's intended to establish some minimum basis about the recognition of child abuse, the legal frameworks which support the pupils, teaching the different types of child abuse and the factors of risk and indicators which can help to detect a possible case, the action protocol to follow, if there is, actually, mistreatment the inform to fill in and the model proceedings to take into practice in one way or another, depending on the complexity of the matter. It is therefore, desirable to bring teachers closer to a model of child abuse program with all the steps to follow if they would like to take this into practice and, most especially tips and factors to take into account to deal successfully with possible interviews with the pupils and their parents, concluding with the appeal to courage, this pushing off which some people need, to help pupils who may suffer some kind of mistreatment.

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