
La casa real en Aragón en la Baja Edad Media: Pedro IV (1336-1387) y María de Luna (1396-1406)

Gutiérrez Gil, Nicolás
Lafuente Gómez, Mario (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FFYL, 2014
Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos department, Historia Medieval area

Graduado en Historia

Free keyword(s): reino de aragón ; casa real ; pedro iv ; maría de luna ; ordinaciones
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: In this paper, I have attempted to define the meaning and functions of the king's and queen's house in a key late medieval period, from mid-fourteenth century to the first decade of the fifteenth century. According to this, I have limited a context and a concrete historical subject: the Crown of Aragon and two of its most significant sovereign: Pedro IV (1336-1387) and María de Luna (1396-1406). In this way, the elements that characterize the configuration of the royal house in Aragon during the fourteenth century emerge from the Ordinacions promulgated by Pedro IV (1344), which will be the normative basis defining the powers of each of the royal officials and therefore, legitimates and adapts the tax authorities activities towards the profound changes that are occurring.

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