Página principal > Artículos > Risk factors for premature aging of placenta: comparative study of perinatal outcomes between grannum grade III placentas and grannum grade I-II placentas > BibTeX |
@article{AgustínOliva:32214, author = "Agustín Oliva, A. and Diaz Rabasa, M.B. and Saviron Cornudella, R. and Lázaro García, V.E. and Moreno Pérez, R. and Pérez Pérez, P. and Garrido Fernández, P. and De Diego Allué, E. and Esteban Escaño, L. and Lerma Puertas, D.", title = "{Risk factors for premature aging of placenta: comparative study of perinatal outcomes between grannum grade III placentas and grannum grade I-II placentas}", year = "2015", }