      author        = "Gomez-Cadenas, J.J. and Alvarez, V. and Borges, F.I.G. and
                       Carcel, S. and Castel, J. and Cebrian, S. and Cervera, A.
                       and Condeb, C.A.N. and Dafni, T. and Dias, T.H.V.T. and
                       Diaz, J. and Egorov, M. and Esteve, R. and Evtoukhovitch,
                       P. and Fernandes, L.M.P. and Ferrario, P. and Ferreirag,
                       A.L. and Freitas, E.D.C. and Gehman, V.M. and Gil, A. and
                       Goldschmidt, A. and Gomez, H. and Gonzalez-Diaz, D. and
                       Gutierrez, R.M. and Hauptman, J. and Hernando Morata, J.A.
                       and Herrera, D.C. and Iguaz, F.J. and Irastorza, I.G. and
                       Jinete, M.A. and Labarga, L. and Laing, A. and Liubarsky,
                       I. and Lopes, J.A.M. and Lorca, D. and Losada, M. and
                       Luzon, G. and Mari, A. and Martin-Alboa, J. and Martinez,
                       A. and Miller, T. and Moiseenko, A. and Monrabal, F. and
                       Monteiro, C.M.B. and Mora, F.J. and Moutinho, L.M. and
                       Muñoz Vidal, J. and Natal da Luz, H. and Navarro, G. and
                       Nebot-Guinot, M. and Nygren, D. and Oliveira, C.A.B. and
                       Palma, R. and Perez, J. and Perez Aparicio, J.L. and
                       Renner, J. and Ripoll, L. and Rodriguez, A. and Rodriguez,
                       J. and Santos, F.P. and dos Santos, J.M.F. and Segui, L.
                       and Serra, L. and Shuman, D. and Simon, A. and Sofka, C.
                       and Sorel, M. and Toledo, J.F. and Tomas, A. and Torrent,
                       J. and Tsamalaidze, Z. and Veloso, J.F.C.A. and Villar,
                       J.A. and Webb, R. and White, J.T. and Yahlali, N.",
      title         = "{Present status and future perspectives of the NEXT
      year          = "2014",