
Low temperature physics - [60161]

Curso: 2013-2014

Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza

Titulación: Máster Universitario en Física y Tecnologías Físicas

Idioma: Español

Profesor(es): Mazo Torres, Juan José

Resumen: The last one or two decades have witnessed a renewed interest in physical phenomena associated with the quantum nature of matter and which occur almost exclusively in the region of low temperatures. These phenomena are also at the foundation of very promising technologies in diverse areas. The course describes, through a historical perspective, the main phenomena and experimental methods associated with the region of low temperatures. Emphasis is made on the emergence of quantum effects in the properties of materials and their applications.

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Academic resources > Academic guides > guias-docentes-ciencias > masteres-ciencias > master-fisica-tecnologias-fisicas
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