      author        = "Jiménez Alcalde, Vera and Reyes Gonzáles, Marcos César",
      title         = "{Fisioterapia Gineco-Obstétrica en la prevención de
                       traumatismo perineal en el parto y disfunciones del suelo
                       pélvico postparto}",
      year          = "2015",
      note          = "INTRODUCTION: Pelvic floor dysfunction is related to
                       pregnancy and childbirth, due to a great mechanical
                       requirement of muscle-connective and nerve tissue. The
                       suffering of perineal trauma during childbirth is frequent.
                       Therefore, they must be subject to intervention in
                       prevention from the field of Obstetric and Gynecological
                       Physiotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To study the existing scientific
                       evidence about the intervention of obstetric and
                       gynecological physiotherapy in the prevention of perineal
                       trauma and postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction. METHODS:
                       The search has been done in Pubmed, Science Direct,
                       Dialnet, PEDro and Alcorze. The selected studies should be
                       systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and
                       metha-analysis, published between 2005 and 2015, which
                       addressed the prevention of perineal birth trauma and
                       postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction. The methological
                       quality has been valued through PEDro scale. Finally, 12
                       articles were included to analyze. RESULTS: Antenatal
                       perineal massage undertaken in the second phase of
                       childbirth increases the likelihood of the perineal
                       integrity; while in prenatal period, it has no protective
                       or harmful effect. Working with EPI-NO® device, between
                       37th week of pregnancy and childbirth, reduces the risk of
                       perineal trauma during childbirth. And the training of
                       pelvic floor muscle shows a lower incidence of urinary
                       incontinence in pregnancy and the postpartum period,
                       increasing the strength of the muscles and the
                       intraurethral pressure. CONCLUSION: The application of
                       obstetric and gynecological physiotherapy has a perineal
                       protective effect, reducing the incidence of pelvic floor
                       dysfunction. Thus, the importance of the awareness and
                       motivation for its prevention arises as the need for
                       further investigation. Key Words: pelvic floor dysfunction,
                       perineal trauma, the pelvic floor muscle, obstetric and
                       gynecological physiotherapy, urinary incontinence.",