
Impact of the cultural and social factors in the location of industry

Lisa Ferrer, Alberto
Martínez Gómez, Francisco Javier (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, EUITIZ, 2010
Ingeniería Mecánica department, Ingeniería Mecánica area

Ingeniero Técnico Industrial (Esp. Mecánica)

Abstract: As far as location is concerned and speaking of the optimal place where the company will be placed, it has to be considered the two ways of studying the location: The Macro-location and Micro-location. This thesis is going to focus on macro-location which makes reference to the global location (country, region and city). On the other hand, the micro-location, which means the land or parcel where the company can be located, this point is not going to be discuss here. These are the objectives that this thesis is going to deal with: Explaining the reasons for the location of the industry, looking at what other authors have said throughout history, the techniques used for obtaining the potential locations, the factors influencing the location’s decision poring over each of them, treating these factors in an objective and seeing how important is each in the final decision. Going through history in order to see how the guidelines have changed to locate the industries since the beginning of the industrial revolution to our times. In addition, writing about the new factors that are emerging nowadays and inferring which factors are expected to be important in the near future. Making a comparative study of this issue and the customs of Spanish and Austrian societies, seeing the differences and the points they have in common in order to find the reasons for these differences and similarities. In short, people who read this study will have a clearer idea of what the location of the company consists, they will know which factors influence the study and how important are these factors in the final decision. It can also be seen a specific vision of the situation in Austria and Spain which is so closed that makes possible the comparison of the two countries. In addition, some examples and illustrations will help the reader to understand the ideas in a more practical and didactic way

Free keyword(s): localización ; factores sociales ; factores culturales
Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Proyecto Fin de Carrera
Notas: Trabajo cargado por la Biblioteca Hypatia. Para contactar con el autor utilice 552583@celes.unizar.es

Creative Commons License

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