
Seguimiento y control e una crianza de broilers

Dick Schmidt, Nina
Cepero Briz, Ricardo (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, VET, 2016
Producción Animal y Ciencia de los Alimentos department, Producción Animal area

Graduado en Veterinaria

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: The present essay is intended to evaluate the consequences of a broiler farm management in animal welfare, health and productive results. In order to this, two flocks were fed at the 028 farm from the Veterinary Faculty in the University of Zaragoza. Two different flocks separated in time were used, from the first day of life to the day 40th of 3.600 chickens Ross 308 strain each one, males and females. The management is basically the same for both flocks, except some aspects like vaccination or kind of feeder, were manual for the first flock and automatic for the second was used. Rearing conditions, health, welfare and productive parameters were assessed on each flock, relating them to the management used. The main difference between both flocks was the high mortality at the first week, which was 4% for the second flock (2% for the first). The lighting shows high variation throughout the shed. Footpad dermatitis, which is an indicator of animal welfare, showed very high prevalence on both flocks probably due to the straw litter. However, the feed conversion efficiency showed better results than the company scores.

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