
Últimos avances en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la pancreatitis en el perro

Vivancos Zapater, Susana
Gascón Pérez, Faustino Manuel (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, VET, 2016
Patología Animal department, Medicina y Cirugía Animal area

Graduado en Veterinaria

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: This dissertation aims at analising recent literature about canine pancreatitis and a search of topical articles concerning its diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, the information obtained has been compared with clinical cases of pancreatitis visited in the Veterinary Clinic Hospital of the University of Zaragozam wich were provided by the tutor. Pancreatitis is a pathology with a complicated diagnosis, and as there's are not specific markers with enough sensitivity to detect it in a reiable way, we have to base the diagnosis on biochemical analysis of parameters as TLI’s and Lipase, complemented with ultrasounds. In recent years, major advances in new diagnostic techniques that habe been developed will be discussed in this paper. On the other hand, another challenge that the veterinary doctor faces pancreatitis, is the treatment. A few years ago, it fasting was recommended to pancreatitis's patients, however, in the lastest studies it has been considered the option of establishing enteral nutrition as soon as possible. For these reasons, the main objective of this dissertation is to obtain information in order to value and update the diagnosis and treatment possibilities of canine pancreatitis. At the same time, it aims at showing the complicated management of that disease presents through a description and discussion of several cases.

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