
Absentismo escolar y población gitana desde la perspectiva del Trabajo Social: Estudio de caso en los institutos José Manuel Blecua y María Moliner de Zaragoza

Cebollada Muñoz, Darío ; Palomar Orden, Blanca
Eito Mateo, Antonio (dir.) ; Artal Rodríguez, Montse (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, SOCIZ, 2016
Psicología y Sociología department, Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales area

Graduado en Trabajo Social

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: Aporta en secretaría material físico. Roma community has been linked for decades with an irregular schooling compared to the main society. Nowadays there is a greater regulation regarding schooling and school absenteeism, which has helped increase the visibility of this issue. The following study aims to analyse the cases of two high schools and make a comparison between Roma community and the main society, give an explanation to the origin of the school absenteeism and define gender differences among adolescents of the Roma community. Though the methodological triangulation, using semi-structured interviews and a bibliographic and legislative review, this study pursues the achievement of various objectives, and the ratification or refutation of certain hypothesis. The research also presents a few options in order to, if not to eradicate, reduce school absenteeism and differences between two communities which have coexisted during centuries.

Creative Commons License

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