
Biomecánica del “Servicio” en el tenis (patología asociada a esta fase deportiva)

Gijón Carretero, David Ismael
Vera Gil, Arturo (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, MED, 2016
Anatomía e Histología Humanas department, Anatomía y Embriología Humana area

Graduado en Medicina

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: The objective of this final degree project is revising the valid literature about the associated pathology of the “serve” in tennis as its clinic and treatment. For that, the biomechanic is analyzed in this phase of the match and a wide pathologic variety is examined by the athletes who suffer from this. The structure who suffers the hundreds of small trauma repeated during the exercises is the shoulder, exactly, the called rotator cuff. This structure is composed by the union of the tendons insertion of the four muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis on the humeral head. The injuries frequency in tennis is 21.5 per 1000 sports exhibitions and its diversity goes from cuff tendonitis, going through syndrome of slipped disc or impingement, to partial or totals breaks of the structure. The minor injuries such as tendonitis, will take place in the younger tennis player while inside the different tendons, the most affected will be the supraspinatus and infraspinatous. With a conservator treatment, the most will heal and the player will be able to go back to the sports practice. On the other hand, the partial or total tears will be reserved for the players most veterans but, even though of the severity injurers, the surgery treatment will be realized only in determinate moments.

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