      author        = "García Gomáriz, Clara and Giménez Esteban, Gregorio",
      title         = "{Factores de crecimiento de las economías asiáticas}",
      year          = "2016",
      note          = "The growth paths have been very different within each
                       group of countries, but all share a common factor and need
                       improvement, human capital. Another serious brakes on
                       economic growth could be income inequality, but we'll see
                       how it contributes to the annual growth rate of per capita
                       GDP. From Solow model may determine the contribution to
                       growth of variables such as investment or population size.
                       I left for last the functioning of public institutions in
                       the countries of Asia that reflects the gap between
                       political instability and the level of confidence in the
                       rulers, and ended with a brief comment that invites
                       reflection by all who read this work.",