
El tabú de la muerte: Encontrarse en la pérdida

Arriazu Tejero, Jara
Esterán Abad, Pilar, (dir.)

Universidad de Zaragoza, FCHE, 2016
Didáctica de las Lenguas y de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales department, Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura area

Graduado en Maestro Educación Primaria

Tipo de Trabajo Académico: Trabajo Fin de Grado
Notas: This study is the product of an exhaustive practical and theoretical research in order to bring together the ideas and the grounds to justify the implementation of a “Grieve and Loss Support Scheme” in primary schools. Accordingly, this project suggests using the “National Reading Project”, already on place in most Primary Schools, to introduce the topics of Grieve and Loss to children for a minimum of 3 months, 30 minutes daily. Consequently, a book on these topics should be read in class and the students would work on it. The main goal of this activity would be to help the student in their personal journey to understand, comprehend and approach these subjects. For their emotional complexity and because of the religious implications of “Grieve and Loss” this study recommends approaching these topics when children are in last year of Primary School.

Creative Commons License

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